Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Year's Bonus Post!

Because I love you all so much, here (finally) is my Persimmon Jam Post! It took a long time to make this jam, and in the end, I didn't even taste it. I gave away all 6 jars, and forgot to open my parents' jar when I was home for Chanukkah. Whoops. Oh well. Now I can say that I've made jam. I used Elissa's recipe, as it seemed the easiest of all the recipes I looked at. It was pretty simple, actually, just kind of a lot of work. Peeling and chopping persimmons takes a while! And the boiling of the jars? I should have invested in those rubber-tipped jar tongs, because it was REALLY hard to get them in and out of the water with my little metal ones. Especially when they were full and I was trying to put them in upside down. Boy. Also, if I had a dishwasher, I could have sterilized the jars first that way, and that would have saved me a little trouble, I think.

So, I'm not going to be the next canning maven. That's ok with me. It was fun, and I'm not so turned off by the process that I won't try to make this peppermint fudge sauce at some point soon. Besides, I have about 20 little 4 oz jars left! Gotta find something to do with them!

Anyway, enjoy this slideshow of pictures from the process, and Happy New Year!